
Find out if the carbon market is improving in 'The State of Quality in the VCM 2024.

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Navigate the carbon market with ease

The Calyx Global Platform allows you to find carbon credit ratings, dive into the research and find your way in the ever-evolving carbon market.

Insights and tools to make quality decisions easier

Find high quality credits, easily

  • Search for carbon credits by rating, project type, program, location and more

  • View over 600+ GHG and 250+ SDG ratings, including how they rank in comparison to other credits

  • Understand environmental and social risks of a project

Dig into details that matter

  • Deep dive into the evidence and analysis with a full-access subscription

  • Understand the impact of a project beyond carbon with SDG claims ratings and analysis

  • See a project’s vintage ratings, retirement trend, compare projects and more

Know your way around the market

  • Get carbon market insights with up-to-date analytics 

  • Follow projects to receive updates such as rating changes, documentation and more

  • Receive in-depth information on the latest approaches, methodologies, policies and updates in the carbon market

More ways to use Calyx Global’s ratings, research and analytics

Direct connection through our API

Direct connection through our API

The reassurance and intelligence of Calyx Global ratings, research and analytics can be brought straight to your platform with our API.

  • Seamless integration to your existing data systems

  • IT support for onboarding

  • Industry standards for security

Share ratings with your customers

Share ratings with your customers

Trust is built on reliable data. By displaying the latest in GHG and SDG ratings on your platform, you can give your customers the tools they need to make better purchase and trading decisions.

  • GHG ratings

  • SDG ratings

  • Insights and more

Ready to get started?

Get these features and more with one of our flexible subscription options

  • Find carbon credits with real impact and less risk

  • Easy access to project-level data and analysis

  • Insights and analytics to stay on top of the market

  • Q&A access to experts

  • Request new project ratings coverage

  • Deep project-level research access